
2 Best Digital Nomad Destinations You Can’t Miss This 2023

We’ve been traveling the world full-time since 2018, given that, we must admit that finding community and creating connections while always on the move is one of the greatest challenges as a digital entrepreneur or digital nomad. If you’re a digital nomad and looking for your next destination, it’s important […]

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5 Lessons From 5 Years of Traveling the World Full-time

January 25th, 2018 Marco and I cleaned and emptied the apartment that we were renting in Chicago and packed our lives in just 2 backpacks (that we still use by the way…) to embark on an adventure of a lifetime: FULLFILL OUR DREAM OF TRAVELING THE WORLD FULL-TIME. Who would […]

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Cómo mantenerse seguro/a mientras
Viajas Por El Mundo

"¿Es seguro ese país?" "¿Es seguro viajar por allí solo/a?" Cuando se trata de viajar, la seguridad es una de las cosas que más nos preguntan sobre los diferentes países donde hemos estado, y una de las cosas que también experimentamos nosotros mismos. ¿Alguna vez nos sentimos inseguros […]

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